Sunday, July 22, 2012

SVD, a Bear's rifle

     One of my favorites is next; the SVD Dragunov.
Caliber: 7.62x54R
Capacity: 10+1 rounds
MAG Type: Box Magazine
Action: Semi Automatic/ Short Stroke Rotating Bolt
Type: Marksman's Rifle
Sight: PSO-1 (4x)
Weight: 4.31 kg.

     The SVD (Snaiperskaya Vintovka Dragunova) was first introduced in 1958; and accepted into the Soviet Military in 1963. The SVD was not designed as a sniper rifle, originally. The role of the SVD was to extend the range of a support team to up to 600m. Every squad in the Soviet military had at least one man with an SVD. The SVD is chambered for the 7.62x54R, which was a cartridge originally designed for the Mosin Nagant. The SVD and SVD-S are not to be confused with the SVD-K, chambered for the 9.3x64 cartridge. The SVD can be mounted with a bayonet. The SVD is an incredibly reliable weapon, but seeing as it has a short stroke action; it requires frequent care.

Range:        **
Accuracy:   ****
Recoil:        ***
Capacity:    ****
Mobility:     ***
Stealth:       **
Weight:       ***
SAA:          *
Overall:       ***

     The SVD has an okay range, with extreme accuracy at that range. It's recoil is okay, and it has a good capacity for a sniper rifle. It has decent mobility, with not much to say for stealth. The weight isn't bad for a sniper rifle. And as far as Shock and Awe; this rifle isn't terribly impressive. It doesn't have the "oomph" of a 12.7x99mm rifle. Overall, 3 stars.

   Send me a disagreeing email if you, well, disagree.

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