Sunday, July 22, 2012

AA-12, Truly shocking

    Next in line is the AA-12.

Caliber: 12 gauge
Capacity: 8 rnd Box mag; 20 rnd Drum mag
MAG Type: Box Magazine
Action: Fully Automatic/ Open Bolt
Rate of Fire: 360 RPM
Type: Shotgun

   The AA-12 is by far one of the more notable fully automatic shotguns. Many people think it's the only one, but there are others. The design for the AA-12 was first conceived in the early 1960's in response to the Vietnam war. Few were made, however, seeing as the US army didn't need a fully automatic shotgun at the time. Or so they thought. Then, in early 2006, Atchisson decided to remake his AA-12 model. The new one features a completely steel frame. This means that the weapon never needs to be cleaned, other than the barrel. The AA-12 fires from an open bolt, which slows down it's firing rate significantly. Open Bolt means that the action is charged by pulling the charging handle back. It stays back, and when the trigger is pulled, the action is released, and the firing pin does its thing on the round. The AA-12 features small 18.5mm grenade rounds as well, which are powerful enough to blow open a door. Currently there are no major organizations or militaries that use the AA-12 enough to consider it a standard issue weapon.

Now for the rating. I'm going to introduce a new topic into the rating. Shock and Awe.
Range:         ***
Accuracy:    **
Recoil:         *
Capacity:     ***
Mobility:      **
Stealth:        *
Weight:       **
SAA:          *****
Overall:      ***

Three stars isn't bad. It's not perfect, but it's not bad. The AA-12's range is limited (seeing as it is a shotgun), and accuracy goes along with that. Surprisingly, the AA-12 has very minimal recoil. You could hold one in each hand if you really wanted to. They have a great capacity as compared to most shotguns. It's about as mobile as an M16. Seeing as such, it has almost no stealth whatsoever. The weight is good. And personally; I would give this gun on Shock and Awe six stars if I could. This is probably the scariest sounding gun I've ever heard. If you want to know what this awesome beast sounds like, but don't have access to it; go and watch "The Expendables". They feature one, and the sound it makes in the movie is about as close as you can get to the real thing.

Complaints? Issues? Bargains? Feel free to email me.

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