Thursday, July 26, 2012

MG3, carving it's way into the future

     Up next is the MG3. To most untrained eyes; this weapon looks exactly like the MG-42. In all earnest honesty, it is an MG-42, just chambered for the 7.62x51mm.
Caliber: 7.62x51mm
MAG Type: Belt fed
Action: Fully Automatic
Rate of Fire: 1200 RPM
Sight: Iron w/ 20mm Pitcanny rail
Type: Heavy Machine Gun

    Made by Heckler and Koch, the infamous German weapon industries, the MG3 is rivaled to any other purpose-made machine gun out there. It fires at 1200 rounds per minute, which may seem fast; but it's actually slower than the MG-42, which fired at almost 1500 rounds per minute. The classic MG-42 was chambered for the 7.92x57mm, a much bigger round than the current .308. Operational wise, the MG3 is one of the easiest weapons to use, and can be used in either two-man teams, or one-man armies. The MG3 and MG-42 both have a brilliant barrel design. Most machine guns use either an air-cooling or a water cooling units to keep the barrels from overheating due to friction from the bullets. The MG3 uses a unit design that allows for the barrel to be removed out of the side, and replaced with another, without having to re-sight the weapon.

   Now for the rating.

Range:        ****
Accuracy:   **** 
Recoil:        **
Capacity:    *****
Mobility:     ***
Weight:       ***
SAA:          *****
Overall:       *****

    The MG3 has a decent range, giving it decent accuracy, even for a machine gun. The recoil isn't bad, given the bipod or tripod. The capacity is great, seeing as the belt fed action. It's extremely mobile, and weighs enough to be carried by one man. The Shock and Awe is awesome. This is a one-manned walking army here, and is overall just an intimidating weapon. Overall rating; five stars. This is almost a perfect weapon; seeing as it's rugged, and has been proven in all conditions. It was proven in Siberian winters; all the way to the Deserts of Iraq. You can use this weapon nearly anywhere; with limited jams, and ultimate reliability.

I don't know why you would, but if you disagree; email me.

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