I'll take a break from my usual weapon posts and introduce a new theme. I'll now be talking about the purposes of certain weapons; and their applications in the battlefield. For example; Sniper Rifles.
The sniper rifle is intended to deliver singular or several repeating shots on a single target at long ranges. Most sniper rifles come in Bolt Action models, like the M40A5 or the L96A1/L115A3. Other rifles are in semi-automatic configurations; like the Mk. 110 or the SVD S. The bonus of having a Bolt Action rifle is that you can deliver very precise shots. The bolt stays locked when fired, giving the bullet more velocity and power. Think of it like a runner on a track. He starts off, kicking off of a stable basis. This allows him to kick off and go faster, seeing as he has a stable basis for him to start off. Now if he had a springboard, he wouldn't start off as well. This is the downside to Semi-automatic rifles. On the flipside; a bolt action rifle can only deliver one very precise shot, whereas the semi-auto capabilities can put several targets down at slightly less range.
There are many different rifles out there; and with it; different calibers. I will give specific examples of certain rifles that use certain calibers.
5.56x45: Steyr Scout Tactical
7.62x39: Siminov SKS
7.62x51: (Standard round) Mk. 110, M14 EBR, L96A1, PSG1
7.62x54R: Mosin Nagant 91/30, SVT-40, SVD S
7.62x63 (30-06): M1903A4
8.6x70: L115A3
.416: Cheytac M200, M98B
12.7x99: TAC 50, AS-50, M99, M95, M82A3/M107A1
Sniper rifles are intended to be used at long ranges, but can also be used by SWAT at close to medium ranges. SWAT tends to favor the M24 as a bolt action, and the HK PSG1 as their Semi-Auto. There are also many civilian marksmen, most for recreational shooting. Sniper rifles will always have a use on the battlefield, whether engaging individual targets at 600 yards all the way up to 2 miles.