Thursday, August 2, 2012

M32 MILKOR, Blasting it's way into the future.

                                                                                And now for one of my favorites; the M32 MILKOR.
Caliber: 40x46mm
Capacity: 6 rounds
Range: 400 m
Sight: M2A1 Reflex sight
Manufacturer: Milkor
Country: South Africa
Rate of Fire: 3 RPS

     Since the Vietnam war; soldiers have been annoyed with single-shot grenade launchers. There was the EX-41 (China Lake for you COD Fags), but it didn't pass the necessary tests. However, in 1980; Milkor approached the world with the M32. It began production in late 1983, and is still produced today. The M32 is a multipurpose 6 round grenade launcher. It can fire any 40mm grenade put into it to do whatever job you need. From smoke grenades to fragmentation, you can launch virtually anything from this beast. It weighs 5.3 kg, so it's fairly heavy. It has an accessory rail built into the front, and can house anything with a 20mm rail mount. It has an adjustable stock, and an accessory rail on top for any type of sight besides the M2A1 reflex. The M32's cylinder loading system is a side swinging load, and can hold 6 grenades. like so.

    And now for the rating. Seeing as this is an explosive weapon, the rules will be changing quite a bit.
Range:        ****
Accuracy:   ***** 
Caliber:      ***
Capacity:    *****
Recoil:        ***
Weight:      ***
SAA:         *****
Reliability:  ****
Overall:      *****

    Many people have never even heard of the M32, yet it is an impressive weapon. It has great range for a grenade launcher; and decent accuracy. (When you have something explosive, "hitting" your target doesn't really matter). It's explosive cartridge size isn't bad. It has a great capacity compared to the single-shot launchers. It has a fair recoil, but all 40mm weapons do. It's a bit heavy, like I said, 5.3 kg. And it has a shock and awe of five stars. Why? This is truly a stunning weapon. Not many people can say that they've survived an attack from one or more of these guys. And you'll notice the new category; reliability. On the field of battle; one must have a reliable weapon. The M32 will take you most anywhere, and back, seeing as it is a simple weapon. The simpler the weapon; the better it will function overall. Which brings us to the bombshell of the overall. Five stars on the M32. 

    Hope you guys have enjoyed reading these as much as I have writing them. Be sure to send me emails with requests, questions, or ideas.

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